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Click to choose the puzzle size you want to play. Larger puzzle sizes are more complex & thus harder. Choose to play a 6x6, 8x8, 10x10 or 12x12 grid.
You can play online or click "Print" for a printable verison of today's puzzle.
The help button explains how binario puzzles work.
In the lower right corner of the welcome screen there are buttons to erase gameplay data, share the game on social media, developer info, or install the game on your device.
The game has buttons for more games in the bottom center and a language selector which is in the lower left corner.
The aim of this game is to place a 0 or 1 in each cell.
Every Binario puzzle has one unique solution, which can be found by logical reasoning without requiring guessing.
When all cells have been entered corretly the puzzle says congratulations and puts a green circle with a checkmark in it over the top.
Use the cursor keys to quickly move through the cells. Backspace or Delete clears a cell. A click on the number keys 0 and 1 enters a number in the current cell.
You can also left click your mouse on a cell once to enter zero, twice to enter one, and a third time to clear it.
Each puzzle has some givens which are in black. The numbers you enter are in red.
Each day this game offers another level to play through.
Your web browser automatically stores the amount of time it took you to complete each puzzle.
You can click on date to choose another date and play another puzzle.
The lower left side of the game offers buttons to pause the game, undo a move, check if you have any invalid moves, control game music, control game sound, or switch between full screen or embedded play mode.
If you have any comments or feedback please use the email address located on our about us page.
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